Chinese Fan


Chinese Fan

Original price was: $550.00.Current price is: $520.00.

SKU PA08 Category


Livistona chinensis

Common as a house plant, this palm fans out with a wide leaf spread. Has a single gray/brown trunk with rings from old leaves. Fan shaped leaves grow about 5′ long and 5′ wide. Because leaves are so big, they droop down and create a fountain look. Produces yellow flowers, then produces fruit pods that hang down. Fruit turns from green to blueish in color when ripening. Stems have thorns on them.
Size Common Names Sun & water Growth Rate
10’x50′ Chinese Fountain Palm
and Fountain Palm.
Moderate water,
good drainage,
drought resistant
full/partial sun
slow, but can grow
fast if fertilized

Additional information

Weight 60 lbs
Dimensions N/A
Gal / Height



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